plant:life nutrition

unlock your potential...

…with a UK Registered Dietitian and Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional

Bringing a new lease of life to your middle years though vibrant foods and healthy habits


🍃 you are feeling a bit stuck: eating too much junk food, going to bed too late, and keep bailing on your good intentions.  You need support and guidance to get out of the rut
🍃 you have just been told you have pre-diabetesnow is the best time to make diet and lifestyle changes to prevent this from developing into type 2 diabetes
🍃 you are struggling with your weight; maybe the middle-age spread is catching up with you. A diet rich in whole plant foods and low in ultra-processed foods is the easiest way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight without the need to control calories and portion size
🍃 you are menopausal or peri-menopausal and just struggling with all the symptoms.  Small tweaks in your diet and lifestyle can make a huge difference at this stage of life
🍃 you have heard about gut health, but want to know more. Removing certain foods, adding in others, and considering other lifestyle factors, such as how you relax, recharge and stay fit, all play a huge part in maintaining a healthy gut
🍃 you suffer with a chronic condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure or angina. A plant-predominant diet and other lifestyle changes really can help to manage or even treat these conditions 

...informed by the best evidence I can help and guide you.

Hi, I’m Claire

I specialise in supporting people to unlock their potential by optimising their health through diet and lifestyle changes.
I will give you all the guidance you need to upgrade the quality of your diet; and we will work together to create an achievable programme of effective and realistic changes to your lifestyle.

I love to help people to flourish – it is a delight to see them achieve their full potential and accomplish goals that they previously thought unattainable – by taking control of their health.


I am always so excited to see the growth in people when they start believing and trusting in their own ability to make positive choices consistentlytransforming their outlook and making a real difference to how they feel each day

How I can help you

If you want to improve your health and your energy levels, but you are confused by all the conflicting advice out there, I can help to quieten the noise with simple and clear evidence-based advice. 


I am passionate about working with people to help them find their own realistic and practical solutions to their health and lifestyle concerns. 


I will give you all the tools you need to improve the quality of your diet by crowding out the less healthy food choices with more live-giving whole plant foods; and focusing on other aspects of your life, including making time for both rest and play!  

I understand the obstacles that feel immovable when you first start to consider making lifestyle changes; you can feel too busy, too old, too tired, or simply lack the confidence and the know-how to get started.

I like to make it simple, and get back to basics.  I will cut to the chase on fad diets, calorie-counting, fear of carbs, and over-restriction, helping you to find better solutions that really can last a lifetime.

With my qualifications and experience, I can confidently offer you the support you need on your journey towards a new vitality, and a lust for life that you may never have thought possible.



plant:life clinic


In my plant:life clinic I will support you in working towards your individual health goals; offering tailored nutritional and lifestyle advice, plans and goal setting. I will provide all the personalised resources you need for your journey, including a clear written action plan after each appointment.  

plant:life out and about


plant:life ‘out and about’ offers face-to-face consultations in your choice of setting.

You may like to meet me in the comfort of your own home, or at a neutral venue. Or would you prefer a less formal consultation whilst out walking? (optional coffee or park bench stop!)

A shopping tour is also available in this service.

plant:life talks


As a dietitian and a lifestyle medicine professional I can provide bespoke health-related talks or workshops to fit your organisation’s or company’s needs.  My talks are both informative and practical, and aim to empower people to start to take control of their own health.

plant:life writing


If you are in need of some content around plant-based nutrition and health, I can create informal light-hearted articles and blogs, or more complex and detailed science-based articles.  Either way, everything I discuss is backed by the best and most recent high quality evidence.

I can also offer expert comments for media.